iMac and MACDATA

iMac Shortcut Keys

What are some of the most frequently used shortcut keys?

How to read the shortcuts below: Example, "command-S" means hold down the "command" key and push the "S" key, then release both keys.

Save = command-S

Save as = command-shift-S

Toggle between open applications = command-tab

Quit open application = command-Q

Quit all applications and log out = command-shift-Q

Print current document = command-P

Cut and Copy selection = command-X

Copy selection = command-C

Paste selection = command-V

How do I right-click with the mouse?

Hold down the "control" button while clicking your mouse.



How do I access the MACDATA server on my iMac?

The MACDATA icon may already be on your desktop screen. If not, hold down the "command" button and push the "tab" button until you highlight the "Finder" application, then release both command and tab keys. You will then see a different menu at the top left of your screen (Finder, File, Edit, etc). In that menu, click on "Go" and scroll down to "Connect to Server...". In the Server Address field, type afp:// and click Connect. You can then open the MACDATA server and search for the "NASHmusictech" folder. Student folders are in the "AP Music 2011-2012" folder.

Can I access the MACDATA server on my home computer?

The NA district does not offer home access to the MACDATA server.


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