Craftsmanship  Effective use of computer including manipulating your images with filters, layer controls, adjustments and tools in Photoshop. Careful control of edges, blending, tonal range. With a little more effort, my work could have been outstanding; lacks the finishing touches My artwork was of average craftsmanship; adequate, but not as good as it could have been, a bit careless





Composition  Interesting composition of the multiple elements used to create the image. Interesting, effective use of color, shape, light and texture. Balanced, unified relationship of one image and element to another. Emphasis of a particular focal point. I applied the principles of design and used one or more elements effectively; showed an awareness of using space effectively I did the assignment adequately, but it shows lack of planning
Original Expression Expressive use of lighting, color, texture, camera angle and pose. Interesting, surprising interplay of images that convey a different idea than if used alone or unaltered. Good interplay of images using effects like contrasting scale, associations of shapes or textures. Use of a particular style to express an idea. Elaboration of detail.  Arbitrary or conventional use of light, color, camera angle. Conventional or clichéd imagery.  


