Community of Learners#3: Planned Instruction

Pennsylvania Governor's Institute for Arts Educators

      Our community of learners used Kabuki theater, arts integration and critical analysis as jumping off points to learn about standards-based planned instruction.  Each participant prepared standards-based planned instruction featuring PA's Proposed Arts and Humanities Standard 9.3, Critical Response, using video, media and Internet resources for posting on the World Wide Web.



Cory Wilkerson-  
Deby Buzbee  
Angela Cherubino  
Patricia Corcoran  
Gloria Garcia  
Howard Lyon  
Azure Montaig  
Robert Shiner  
Jeannie Tourscher  
Catherine Wilson  
Kathryn Wolf
Bob Carbaugh, mentor
Lisa Weitzman, support
Andy Williams, Al Wagner and Dave Crist - tech support 



For more information to our works in progress, check out these links: 

Kathryn's Kabuki -"Clowns and Kubuki"
Deby Buzbee - Composition and  Japanese Photography
Solar System and Stonehenge- Solar System, Dynamic Movement, Shape and Design
kabuki lyon 2 - Kabuki Music
angela.htm - Painting Poetry
TRICIA CORCORAN.html - Creating Kabuki Dance
cwlesson.htm- Kabuki Facs 

Inspiring students to success!!