In this day and age of easily accessable technology and exciting dynamic media it is amazing that so many people elect to waste hours watching useless and insulting television sitcoms. Families use this media as an electronic babysitter. These parents view television as a safe zone. What harm can come from sitting quietly watching images on the "tube"? There will be no broken legs, stitches, police calls or peer problems. What has not been taken into consideration is the type of images and the values being represented by these shows. What should happen is parental involvement in choosing shows watched by children but television viewing is not easily controlled when the parent is at work, asleep or when their child is at a friends house. View the following clip from the popular television show "The Simpsons. In sentence form describe your reaction to what you have seen.Your answer many be simple. |
At what age would a child view this scene and actually believe this is a situation that could really happen?
When do you think a child is old enough to understand the difference between fantasy and reality?
Consider this seriously, indicate the age a child would be able to view this type of program without parental involvement?