Community of Learning#8

Assessing Critical Response

This document was produced by a community of practicing teachers convened at the 1999 Pennsylvania Governor's Institute for Arts Educators. It presents an approach to the Pennsylvania Proposed Academic Standards for the Arts and Humanities Category 7.3 (Critical Response).

The Holistic Assessment Scoring Guide that follows allows educators, administrators, parents and students to evaluate students' critical response to works in the arts and humanities.

We invite you to use this document and hope that it will prove useful to you. You are welcome to contact us with questions, comments or other feedback.

The most direct way to adapt this Holistic Scoring Guide to a specific subject is to replace the phrase, "works in the arts and humanities," with a work or example from any art form.

A music educator might, for example, insert the 1812 Overture in the "Proficient" level of Contextual Response. The students would then identify the work's cultural and/or historical significance.

Using the same cell in the matrix a theatre educator would plug in a specific example such as Our Town to replace "works in the arts and humanities."

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