Standards-based Planned-Instruction

Name: Dyan White

School District: Upper Darby

Lesson Title: Renaissance Wind Instruments

Grade Level: 5th

Piloted with students in grade: 5th




9.1 Producing, Performing and Exhibiting


9.2 Historical and Cultural Contexts


9.3 Critical Response

9. 4 Communicate Aesthetic Response

Specific Standard:


Relate works in the arts to varying styles and genres and to the periods in which they were created (e.g., Bronze Age, Ming Dynasty, Renaissance, Classical, Modern, Post-Modern, Contemporary, Futuristic, others).


Identify critical processes in the examination of works in the arts and humanities.

  • Compare and contrast
  • Analyze
  • Interpret
  • Form and test hypotheses
  • Evaluate/form judgments

Lesson Topic/theme:  Identification of the recorder and similar wind instruments used in the Renaissance era.


Overview: Students will listen to examples of recorder music from the Renaissance, and identify similar instruments of the period based on sound production and timbre.


Keywords: recorder, wind instruments, Renaissance


Learning Objective(s): (What will all students do to demonstrate they have reached the standard?) 

The learner will correctly identify  wind instruments using aural and graphic examples of Renaissance instruments.



Instrument worksheet (  )


computer projector



Teacher accesses the website and displays it on a screen using the projector. Teacher clicks onto Recorder and displays information. Students listen to the sound example. Students identify the recorder as a wind instrument. Teacher introduces the time period this information represents, including appropriate information from the site.



1. Students receive website worksheet.

2.  Teacher reads several of the instruments aloud to acquaint the students with the unusual names. Students explore other examples included in the site.

3. Class reviews an example of another instrument (bagpipe). Students point to the corresponding instrument on their worksheet as teacher clicks onto the instrument. Students identify it as a wind instrument.

4. Follow the same procedure, this time using an example of a string instrument (dulcimer). Students compare its look and sound to that of the previous examples. Students determine the instrument's type. 

5. Repeat the process demonstrating a horn (serpent) and a drum (percussion).

6. Students review the four instrument groups:  wind, string, horn, and percussion.

9.. Class continues to explore the site (except those examples that do not have sound capability). Students are directed to clearly write w (wind)  next to the instrument name if it is similar in sound production and quality (timbre) to the recorder.


Correctives: (Enrichment activities for students who have not met the standard at proficient or advanced level) 

1. Students will review instrument flash cards of instruments in the wind family.

2. Students will be tutored by proficient peers, using flashcards and recorded sound examples.  


Extensions: (Additional activities for students who have met the standard at a proficient or advanced level)

1. Students can listen to examples of instrumental music of the Renaissance, written by representative composers. (Praetorians, Morley)

2. Students  can review website and report on examples of wind instruments.

3. Students can create a recorder melody reflecting the style of Renaissance music.


Assessment-Task Criteria: How will you judge below basic, basic, proficient and advanced? Do you have a model/exemplar of your expectations?

Below Basic

Student fails to successfully identify at least six examples of wind instruments on the worksheet within allotted time.




Student successfully identifies six examples of wind instruments on the worksheet within allotted time.



Student successfully identifies 6-8 examples on the worksheet within allotted time.



Student successfully identifies 9 or more examples on the worksheet within allotted time.