Standards-based Planned-Instruction

Name: Christopher G. Laret


School District: Woodland Hills

Lesson Title: Instrument Family Recognition-Aural

Grade Level: 3rd

Piloted with students in grade: 3rd




9..1 Producing, Performing and Exhibiting


9..2 Historical and Cultural Contexts


9..3 Critical Response

9..4 Communicate Aesthetic Response

Specific Standard: (10) Interpret Ideas that Generate works in the arts.

9..3.3.C Know classification skills with materials and processes used to create works in the arts.

Lesson Topic/theme: Four Families of instruments

overview: Students will use sound picture matching program on  to show distinguishing visual and aural characteristics of the orchestral families of instruments. 


Keywords: Four Families of Instruments. Percussion=strike, scrape, shake. String=Strings plucked or bowed. Brass=Curved tubes with valves. Woodwind=Straight or folded-over tube with keys.

Learning Objective(s): (What will all students do to demonstrate they have reached the standard?)

     Student must orally respond to the teacher when asked what they already know to help them make their decision,  i.e., (1) how do instruments in the same family make their sounds? (hit, scrape, rattle, bow, pluck, strum, blow etc.),  (2) how do instruments in the same families look?  (strings, curved, folded, valves, keys etc.)

     Student is shown three pictures from which they must high-light the one that matches the sample sound they hear.   Computer will signify a correct or incorrect answer with happy cheers or disappointed sighs respectively.


Materials: On-line capable PC Computer with projection abilities.  Musician mime-game Tape (see Warm-up below).  One large poster/picture of each family of instruments. 


     Students may play a "Musician Mime" game to recall how instrument sounds are made.  Teacher plays short recorded examples of music and students must pick an instrument they hear and pretend to play it. (each example should be of a particular family of instruments).  Teacher may prompt for understanding by asking  volunteers to point to a picture of the family of instruments they are hearing in the music. Teacher visually checks class and individually monitors for understanding while playing the game. 3-5 minutes.



     Students are asked to recall some of the ways they were playing their instruments in the "Musician-Mime game".  Teacher introduces a similar game where each student can show that they could play in instrument from any family in the orchestra because they can match an instrument's picture to the sound they hear.

     Teacher begins program from and calls students individually to the computer/projection screen to listen to the sound, and choose the picture of the instrument that matches the sound.  When the student is correct, the teacher may ask how they made their choice.  The student recalls how families of instruments make their sounds.  When a child makes an incorrect choice, the same prompts may be used to help the student make the correct choice.  After two incorrect choices are made, the student will be asked back to the computer later after watching other students and listening to their decision making process.

     Teacher may choose to divide class into support teams to quiz and encourage each other while the individual student is making their choice (points may be accumulated or not).


Correctives: (Enrichment activities for students who have not met the standard at proficient or advanced level)

     Students will utilize a private computer and monitor with the same program on a self propelled pace.  Later to be reviewed individually by a proficient level student for understanding and reinforcement.



Extensions: (Additional activities for students who have met the standard at a proficient or advanced level)

     Proficient students will assist the below average students privately, while adding to their recognized repetoire of instrument's families and sounds.

     Advanced students may go to to choose to listen to examples of instruments soloing with other instruments as well as short biographies of that instrument.




Assessment-Task Criteria: How will you judge below basic, basic, proficient and advanced? Do you have a model/exemplar of your expectations?

Below Basic

Student is unable to tell any way that musicians make sounds on instruments, and cannot match any of the instrument's pictures with the sounds heard.



Student is able to tell how three of the four families make sounds, and can match two out of four instrument's pictures with the sounds heard.



Student is able to tell how all four families make their sound, and can match three out of four instrument's pictures with the sounds heard.



Student is able to tell how all four families make their sound, and can match every instrument's picture with the sounds heard.