As a professional in the arts, you are a vital member of the Individual Educational Plan (I. E. P.) team. By law, the special needs student must be in the "least restrictive environment." Inclusion has become our mandate to meet this directive. Think positively when these students are scheduled for your course. Are they going to meet the goals for your class? Probably!
However, you might need to make adaptations and modifications. They are in the I. E. P. if you need help, but you are probably doing them in your own creative way. One of the easiest modifications is the matching test. The modification is to write the definition in the left column and the words in the right column.
Understand, you will probably be the teacher empowering the student with an opportunity to experience creative success, positive self-esteem, and life skills which will make their personal environment a better place to live.
There are several sources available to visit for information and advice about types of adaptations and accommodations.
Eastern PA-
Central PA-
Western PA-
Once you're into the web page, you can access the other sites.
By using the technology available today, the special needs student will be able to achieve goals he/she never dreamed possible. In a sense, technology has set this student free to be creative. The lessons on our web page all include suggested modifications that will meet the needs of the special student.
Many arts instructors were introduced to new technology and software programs at the Governor's Institute for Arts Educators. These programs and technologies may be helpful in facilitating all students' learning and achievement. A few of these are listed as follows:
It is important to remember that the use of these aforementioned contemporary technologies allows the effective use of multiple intelligences, which enables the student to reach a higher order of thinking and creatively problem solve. The traditional classroom sometimes does not meet the needs of all students. The use of these technologies in the quest to meet higher proficiency levels for all students will allow them to create, perform and exhibit in the arts disciplines when their talent and knowledge are often not recognized.