Standards-Based Planned Instruction Template

Name: Barbara S. Amick

School District: Woodland Hills School District

School Building: Edgewood / Shaffer Primary Schools

Piloted with Students in Grade 3

Planned Instruction Title: Carousel Horses

Grade Level (Check one):

            X Primary



            High School



    X 9.1 Production, Performance and Exhibition

                9.2 Historical and Cultural Contexts

                9.3 Critical Response

                9.4 Aesthetic Response

Standard Statement: (Write out from grade 3 or 5 or 8 or 12 column in standards document) (Example: 7.3.8.E. Interpret and use various types of critical analysis in the arts and humanities.):  

Standard 9.1 J


Know and use traditional and contemporary technologies for producing, performing and exhibiting works in the arts or the works of others.

Lesson Topic/Theme: Carousel Horses

Overview: The class will work in-groups of fours. Each group will have the opportunity to work on the computer to access information, text and pictures of carousel horses. They will take digital pictures of their completed artwork. The teacher will then compile all the materials into multi-media CD-Rom to be viewed by all the students.

Keywords: multi-media, texture, color, design, composition, digital photography

 Learning Objective(s): (What will students do to demonstrate they have reached the standard?) (Type in 17 lines or less.)

Students will be able to....


             1.create a drawing of a carousel horse using basic geometric shapes.

             2 .demonstrate an appropriate use of concepts, materials, tools and vocabulary.

             3.explore the relationship between colors, line, space and texture in their carousel drawing

    computer images to be used in the multi-media presentation.

             5.photograph their completed work with a digital camera, which will be implemented in the multi-media presentation.

    informational text from a web site to be added to the teacher driven presentation.


Assessment-Task Criteria: How will you judge "below basic," "basic," "proficient" and "advanced"? Do you have a model/exemplar of your expectations? (Type in twenty lines or less.)

Both the students and the teacher will assess student performance at each step of the assignment using checklists.

A final drawing will be assessed using a scoring rubric.


Below Basic


The project was not completed.

The student did not demonstrate an understanding of vocabulary, concepts, materials and tools.




The student did not work or cooperate well with others in a group when selecting computer images.



The student did not use the digital camera/ or did not know how to use the camera.

The student has difficulty or refuses to select basic text from the web site.



The project was completed but the student showed no evidence of understanding the elements of color, shapes, texture and line as compared to the basic exemplar.

The student demonstrates a basic understanding of the vocabulary, tools, materials and concepts.


The student follows basic directions, cooperates and works well most of the time in a group situation when selecting computer images.


The student can turn on the digital camera and photograph his/her work with assistance.

the student has some difficulty accessing a web site and selecting basic text to be used in the multi-media presentation.



The completed project is clearly proficient as shown by comparison with the proficient exemplar using the elements of color, shapes, texture and line.

The student demonstrates a proficient understanding of vocabulary, tools, materials and concepts.


The student follows directions, cooperates and works well in a group situation when selecting images from the computer.              


The student can turn on the digital camera and photograph his/her artwork without assistance.

The student can successfully access a web site and select informational text to be used in the multi-media presentation.



The completed project is clearly advanced as shown by comparison with the advanced exemplar using the elements of color, texture, shapes and line.

The student demonstrates an advanced understanding and use of vocabulary, tools, materials and concepts.


The student follows directions, cooperates and works well all the time with others in the group when selecting images from the computer.


The student can turn on the camera, photograph his/her work, and access it on the computer without assistance

The student can successfully access a web site, select informational text, edit it, and change the font to be used in the final multi-media presentation.

Materials: (Type in 8 lines or less.)

Internet Access to the World Wide Web, computer, digital camera, floppy disks, white paper, pencils, erasers, markers, glue, glitter, crayons, sequins, Power Point Presentation, student and teacher evaluation checklists, scoring rubric, exemplar carousel horse designs/student work and photographic display of carousel horses

Warm-Up: (Type in 4 lines or less.) 

HOMEWORK- Ask the students to bring in pictures of horses and carousel horses to class the week before the lesson is to be taught.

Procedure: (Type in 43 lines or less.)

DAY ONE- A PowerPoint Presentation and discussion on the history the and terms relating to the Carousel Horse. The students will then use their pictures that they brought from home to work on a group collage. The teacher will pull teams of four students at a time to work on the computer accessing carousel horse pictures. The pictures will be printed for their viewing. These pictures will also be saved in the computer to be used by the teacher in the multi-media presentation.

DAY TWO- The students will have the computer images and the collages as references for their Carousel Horse Drawing. The teacher will then demonstrate and discuss concepts, techniques, materials, tools and vocabulary. Then the students will begin drawing their Carousel Horse.

DAY THREE–The students will begin to add color and texture to their work.

DAY FOUR- As half of the students will begin to photograph their completed work and the remainder will access text from the computer for the multi-media presentation. They will have the opportunity to switch positions during the class. The students will vote on a music selection to be added to the presentation. The teacher will arrange the Multi-media presentation.

The students will view the Multi-Media Presentation during Art Class.

Correctives: (Remedial activities for students who have not met the standard at proficient or advanced level): (Type in 11 lines or less.)

    Pair up students based on their ability, so that they can assist those who need extra attention whether it is in drawing or on the computer. Those students that have completed their work ahead of schedule can assist the others.

Extensions: (Enrichment activities for students who have met the standard at a proficient or advanced level): (Type in 20 lines or less.)

The students that complete their work ahead of schedule can use the computer to search for music and background to be used in the teacher driven Multi-Media Presentation on carousel horses.

Carousel Horse Check List


_____I have drawn the entire horse.

_____I have added color to my work.

_____I have added texture to my work.

_____I have added line to my work.

_____I have added designs to my work.

_____I filled the space up on my paper.

_____I have completed my project.

_____I worked on the computer.

_____I used the digital camera.

_____I selected text from the web.