Standards-Based Planned Instruction Template |
Name: Lesley Faust
School District: Wattsburg
School Building: Elementary
Piloted with Students in Grade: 3
Planned Instruction Title: Composition 1
Grade Level (Check one):
X Primary
High School
X 9.1 Production, Performance and Exhibition
9.2 Historical and Cultural Contexts
9.3 Critical Response
9.4 Aesthetic Response
Standard Statement: (Write out from grade 3 or 5 or 8 or 12 column in standards document) (Example: 7.3.8.E. Interpret and use various types of critical analysis in the arts and humanities.):
9.1.3.J Know and use traditional and contemporary technologies for producing, perfoming and exhibiting works in the arts or the works of others.
Lesson Topic/Theme: Creating and performing a four measure song using contemporary technologies.
Overview: The students will use a computer to compose a four measure song using steps, leaps and repeats.
This created composition will then be saved and the student will be able to play back their created song.
Keywords: Computer assisted composition, CD-ROM, Music Ace, Doodle Pad, Sound Palette, Melodic contour, Measure, Phrase.
Learning Objective(s): (What will students do to demonstrate they have reached the standard?) (Type in 17 lines or less.)
The student, using an interactive CD-ROM, will plan and compose a four measure melody using steps, leaps and repeats that move up and down.
The student will save, play back and listen to their composed melody on the computer.
The student will evaluate their created composition through the play back and revision process on the CD-ROM.
Assessment-Task Criteria: How will you judge "below basic," "basic," "proficient" and "advanced"? Do you have a model/exemplar of your expectations?: (Type in twenty lines or less.)
The teacher will assess the student composition at each step of the creating process using a created checklist.
The student will assess their composition using an exemplar created by the teacher.
The final composition will be assessed using a scoring rubric.
The composition creates a melodic contour using pitches that are not well planned.
The composition note values do not complete a four measure phrase.
The choices of note values, melodic contour and instrument sound show little or no attempt at creativity.
The composition is clearly below basic as shown by comparison with the below basic exemplar. |
Basic The composition creates a melodic contour using pitches that move up and down by one or two of the following: step, leap or repeat. The composition note value choices mostly complete a four measure phrase.
The choices of note values, melodic contour and instrument sound begin to express the sound of the composition in a creative manner. The composition is clearly basic as shown by comparison with the basic exemplar. |
Proficient The composition creates a melodic contour using pitches that move up and down by step, leap and repeat. The composition note value choices clearly complete a four measure phrase. The choices of note values, melodic contour and instrument sound express the composition’s sound in a creative manner. The composition is clearly proficient as shown by comparison with the proficient exemplar. |
Advanced The composition creates a melodic contour using pitches that move up and down by step, leap and repeat in a clearly intended musical pattern. The composition note value choices clearly complete more than four measure phrases. The choices of note values, melodic contour and instrument sound will help express the composition’s sound in an extremely creative manner. The composition is clearly advanced as shown by comparison with the advanced exemplar. |
Materials: (Type in 8 lines or less.)
Computers, Music Ace CD-ROM, Teacher Created Exemplar, LCD Panel or Handouts and Headphones
Warm-Up: (Type in 4 lines or less.)
Review the definition of melodic contour and note values. Listen to and view a sample composition created by the teacher.
Procedure: (Type in 43 lines or less.)
After a review of note values and melodic contour, introduce the students to the Music Ace Software through hands on demonstration.
Guide the students through the use of the Doodle Pad on the Music Ace Software.
Allow them to familiarize themselves with the Doodle Pad through hands on exploration of the technology.
Ask the students to create a four measure song using the Doodle Pad with a melody that includes steps, leaps and repeats that move up and down.
Throughout the process the teacher will assess the student's progress by conferencing, using a created checklist.
Ask the student to save their created song and play it back on the computer.
Ask the student to evaluate their song through the revision process on Doodle Pad and by comparing their song to the exemplar.
When the student has completed his composition, a final conference will be held using the scoring rubric.
Correctives: (Remedial activities for students who have not met the standard at proficient or advanced level): (Type in 11 lines or less.)
The students that have not reached a proficient level at the end of the lesson will be allowed to pair with those students who are ahead of schedule and that have completed their proficient or advanced song. Those students who have completed their song may conference with a student who has not yet met the standard and share compositional ideas and brainstorm.
Extensions: (Enrichment activities for students who have met the standard at a proficient or advanced level): (Type in 20 lines or less.)
Those students that have reached a proficient or advanced level at the end of the lesson will be allowed to compose additional measures ( to a total of sixteen ) to their song. These students will also be allowed to become familiar with other components (lessons and games) of the Music Ace CD-ROM that reinforce the ABC’s of the Treble Clef, so that these students will be able to put the letter names on the notes of the songs they have created. These students will then be allowed to play their songs on traditional melodic instruments.