Standards-Based Planned Instruction Template

Name: M. Susan Durgin

School District: Carlisle Area School District

School Building: Mt. Holly Springs Elementary and North Dickinson Elementary

Piloted with Students in Grade: 5

Planned Instruction Title: Image and Idea

Grade Level (Check one):




High School



9.1 Production, Performance, and Exhibition

9.2 Historical and Cultural Contexts

9.3 Critical Response

7.4 Aesthetic Response

Standard Statement: Apply traditional and contemporary technology in furthering knowledge and understanding in the humanities.

Lesson Topic/Theme: The students make art to show what they know or think about the world.

Overview: The students experience both traditional and contemporary technologies in the creation of a primarily visual report on a selected topic.

Keywords: topic, text, scanned image, imported image and PowerPoint

Learning Objective(s): (What will students do to demonstrate they have reached the standard?) (Type in 17 lines or less.)

  1. The student will select a topic and search for visual references that support the topic via traditional or electronic media.
  2. The student will create an artwork related to the topic using traditional media and will use a scanned image of the artwork in the slide presentation.
  3. The student will create text to accompany the topic and use the text on one or more of the slides.
  4. The student will import an image from the web.
  5. The student will collate the selected images and text in a PowerPoint presentation.

Assessment-Task Criteria: How will you judge "below basic," "basic," "proficient" and "advanced"? Do you have a model/exemplar of your expectations?: (Type in twenty lines or less.)S

Below Basic

The presentation includes only one or two slides. The slide presentation includes a minimal amount of required elements. The text is limited to the title only. The traditionally created artwork is unfinished or not included.


The slide presentation includes less than four slides. The slide presentation includes some but not all of the required elements. The text is limited to the title and phrases only. The artwork only partially meets predetermined standards.


The slide presentation includes at least four slides and demonstrates elements listed in a prepared checklist. The sentences are complete and are correctly punctuated. The student made artwork meets predetermined standards.


The slide presentation includes ten or more slides and meets the required elements. The student made artwork exceeds predetermined standards. The presentation demonstrates smooth transitions and carefully crafted technique.


Materials: Traditional art materials, scanner, computers, PowerPoint software and demo presentation

Warm-Up: Given teacher selected categories, students spend several minutes brainstorming topic ideas.

Procedure: (Type in 43 lines or less.) After brainstorming and discussion, students select a topic that they will use as the basis for an artwork. In conjunction with the classroom the teachers and the students collect images from traditional and electronic media. During art class students complete an artwork to illustrate their topic. When completed the artwork is then scanned. In conjunction with the classroom teacher and the  students write about their topic and save their writing and electronic images on disk. After previewing a sample PowerPoint presentation, students are led through the process of creating a slide show.

Correctives: (Remedial activities for students who have not met the standard at proficient or advanced level): (Type in 11 lines or less.)

PowerPoint tutorial available via the web at

Extensions: (Enrichment activities for students who have met the standard at a proficient or advanced level): (Type in 20 lines or less.)

Use of digital camera for images.

Creative writing or poetry


Checklist for Proficient Presentation:

  1. The slides all relate to the same topic.
  2. At least one image has been imported from the internet.
  3. At least one image has been scanned from a self-made artwork.
  4. The images are sized to fill the space adequately.
  5. The student has included his/her name and class.

Checklist for Proficient Artwork:

  1. The artwork demonstrates a good use of space.
  2. The artwork demonstrates good technique.
  3. The artwork reflects thought and planning.
  4. The artwork is finished.

Checklist for Choosing a Topic:

  1. The topic is neither too broad nor too specific.
  2. The topic is an idea for which interesting images can be found.
  3. The topic does not promote the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco or firearms.
  4. The topic meets the approval of the teacher.