Standards-Based Planned Instruction Template |
Name: Karen A. Razler
School District: Allentown School District
School Building: William Allen High School
Piloted with Students in Grade: 12
Planned Instruction Title: My Life So Far
Grade Level (Check one):
High School
9.1 Production, Performance and Exhibition
9.2 Historical and Cultural Contexts
9.3 Critical Response
7.4 Aesthetic Response
Standard Statement: (Write out from grade 3 or 5 or 8 or 12 column in standards document) (Example: 9.3.8.E. Interpret and use various types of critical analysis in the arts and humanities.): 9.1.12.J Analyze and evaluate the use of traditional and contemporary technologies for producing, performing and exhibiting works in the arts or the works of others.
Lesson Topic/Theme: Projecting originally created CD-ROMs to enhance a live performance.
Overview: The students will create a CD-ROM autobiography with sound and visual elements for use in live performance using both traditional and contemporary technologies and evaluating the use of both in terms of their own experience and the work produced by peers.
Keywords: LCD Projector, Digital Camera, interactive, autobiography, solo performance, performance art focal point
Learning Objective(s): (What will students do to demonstrate they have reached the standard?) (Type in 17 lines or less.)
The student will articulate in a written proposal, their plan for incorporating the use of contemporary technology as an interactive part of an autobiographical theater piece.
The student will, using a digital camera, World Wide Web search and a CD-ROM burner, create a multimedia CD-ROM to be projected from a Liquid Crystal Display device during the live performance of an autobiographical theater piece of between 3 and 5 minutes in length.
The student will evaluate their use of technology through a written reflection.
Through a discussion and a written reflection, the students will analyze and evaluate their peers’ use of contemporary technology.
Assessment-Task Criteria: How will you judge "below basic," "basic," "proficient" and "advanced"? Do you have a model/exemplar of your expectations?: (Type in twenty lines or less.)
Both the student and the teacher will assess the studen's performance at intervals during the assignment using checklists.
The final performances will be assessed by the teacher and the student using a scoring rubric with exemplars.
At the end of planned instruction and performances, students will be asked to analyze and reflect on their use of the technology with a written reflection sheet.
At the end of the planned instruction and performances, the students will be asked to analyze and reflect on their experience of viewing theater pieces that incorporate contemporary technology.
Below Basic The student generated CD-ROM includes few or none of the required elements. The length of the performance is either less than 2 minutes and 30 seconds OR more than 6 minutes. The CD-ROM design is not clearly described nor does it match the proposal. All the elements of the final performance, such as staging, movement, projection and interaction with the CD-ROM are clearly below basic, as compared with the below basic exemplar.
Basic The student generated CD-ROM includes some, but not all of the required elements. The length of the performance is either less than 3 minutes by up to 30 seconds OR more than 5 minutes by up to 60 seconds. The CD-ROM design is mostly clearly described and matches the proposal. All elements of the final performance, such as staging, movement, projection and interaction with the CD-ROM are clearly basic, as compared with the basic exemplar. |
Proficient The student generated CD-ROM includes all of the required elements.
The length of performance is at least 3 minutes and no more than 5 minutes. The CD-ROM design is clearly described and clearly matches the proposal. All the elements of the performance, such as staging, movement, projection and interaction with the CD-ROM are clearly proficient as compared with the proficient exemplar.
Advanced The student generated CD-ROM includes all and exceeds some of the required elements: The length of the performance is at least 4 minutes and no longer than 5 minutes. The CD-ROM design is exceedingly well described and clearly matches the proposal. All the elements of performance, such as staging, movement, projection and interaction with the CD-ROM are clearly advanced as compared with the advanced exemplar.
Materials: (Type in 8 lines or less.)
World Wide Web search engine list, Internet Access to the World Wide Web, computer lab, digital camera, software to view and edit digital images such as PhotoShop, CD-ROM burner, scanner, Liquid Crystal Display Projector, projection screen, rewritable CD-ROMs, list of required elements.
Warm-Up: (Type in 4 lines or less.)
View the videotaped excerpts of the autobiographical theater pieces by artists who incorporate the use of contemporary technologies.
HOMEWORK: Ask the students to bring in a shoebox with five items that mark transitions in their lives to share with the class. Ask the students to begin to think about writing a proposal for their autobiographical theater piece to be due on Day 6.
Procedure: (Type in 43 lines or less.)
Days One, Two, Three - Send the students on an Internet Search for sound effects, musical selections and visual images to incorporate in the creation of a CD-ROM to support the performance of an autobiographical theater piece. Allow the students to use any available digital cameras to take pictures of people, places and objects in the school.
Days Four and Five - Work in the computer lab to edit sound, music and visual images generated by the World Wide Web search and work with the digital camera. Introduce the students to the procedure for burning selected material onto CD-ROMs.
Days Six, Seven and Eight - The teacher conferences individually with each student to review their proposals and mark check lists with regard to essential elements needed for proficiency as outlined in the rubric. The students not directly engaged in the conference. Continue to work on editing and burning CD-ROMs in computer lab.
Days Nine and Ten - The completed CD-ROM’s are due from each student. The students "talk through" their performance while running their CD-ROM in individual conferences with the teacher while other students continue editing and refining their work.
Days Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen – The students break into teams and take turns rehearsing their pieces incorporating the interaction with the CD-ROMs. The students give each other feedback and assist each other in running the technical elements of each persons performance.
Days Seventeen, Eighteen and Nineteen – The students present their final performances of autobiographical pieces. End the session each day with a discussion and an analysis of the incorporation of contemporary technology into live performance. HOMEWORK: write a response sheet regarding the incorporation of the contemporary technology in live performance, as both an audience member and a performer.
Correctives: (Remedial activities for students who have not met the standard at proficient or advanced level): (Type in 11 lines or less.)
Design the rehearsal teams based on ability level, so that those with strengths in using contemporary technology can assist those who need extra assistance. Allow the individual students and/or teams who are ahead of schedule to conference with others who need extra attention.
Extensions: (Enrichment activities for students who have met the standard at a proficient or advanced level): (Type in 20 lines or less.)
Offer the opportunity for those students who performed at an advanced level to present their work in an extra-curricular showcase for the community and/or the school.
Written Proposal
1. Briefly describe the content of your autobiography.