Standards-Based Planned Instruction Template

Name: Christine Pawlowski

School District: Erie Diocese

School Building: Seton

Piloted with Students in Grade: N/A

Planned Instruction Title: Music of the Roman Catholic Heritage

Grade Level (Check one):



x Middle

High School



x 9.1 Production, Performance and Exhibition

9.2 Historical and Cultural Contexts

9.3 Critical Response

9.4 Aesthetic Response

Standard Statement: (Write out from grade 3 or 5 or 8 or 12 column in standards document:

9.1.10.J Incorporate specific uses of traditional and contemporary technologies within the design for producing, performing and exhibiting works in the arts or the works of others.

Lesson Topic/Theme: Compiling data to create a Power oint presentation of music of the Roman Catholic heritage using sound clips and text.

Overview: Students will use the World Wide Web to examine a specific elementary school web site which will serve as an exemplar for the task at hand. They will also communicate with the generators of this web page preparatory to creating their project. They will research specific topics in the music of the Roman Catholic heritage on the World Wide Web and they will search for complementary sound clips to be approved by the teacher. They will then generate an attractive PowerPoint presentation. They will present their PowerPoint piece to students and to parents during the Catholic Schools Week. As an extension to this activity, they will also create a web page of music of the Catholic heritage.

Keywords: exemplar, Gregorian chant, organum, cantus firmus, Mass, hymn tune, psalm, cantor, antiphon and other keywords related to the music of the Catholic heritage as discovered in the World Wide Web search by advanced students

Learning Objective(s): Students will increase understanding and appreciation of music through examination and study of an exemplar of music history on the World Wide Web.

The students will gain an understanding and appreciation of music through the exchange of ideas with other elementary students via the World Wide Web.

The students will arrive at an aesthetic understanding of the musical heritage of the Roman Catholic church through a web search and compilation of data for a PowerPoint presentation.

The students will express their learning progress through daily journaling of experiences.

The students will work in a large group to create an aesthetic PowerPoint presentation.


Assessment-Task Criteria

Below Basic

The student enters fewer than two correct sets of definitions and two related sound clips into PowerPoint file or two definitions and/or clips of poor quality.

The student fails to place his/her data within the PowerPoint presentation or does so haphazardly.

The student keeps no daily journal of learning experiences.


The student enters two correct sets of definitions and two related sound clips into a PowerPoint file.

The student places his/her data within the PowerPoint presentation with some attention to logic and aesthetics but has some difficulty justifying his/her choices.

The student keeps a daily minimal journal of learning experiences.


The student enters three correct sets of definitions and two related sound clips into PowerPoint file.

The student places his/her data within the PowerPoint presentation logically and aesthetically, as justified by him/she.

The student keeps a daily journal of learning experiences.


The student enters more than three correct sets of definitions and more than two related sound clips into a PowerPoint file.

The student places his data within the PowerPoint presentation logically and aesthetically, as justified by him/she.

The student keeps a daily journal of learning experiences, adding material from visits to additional web sites.

As well as all of the above, the student visits additional web sites on topics of Catholic music heritage and offers additional topics to  the class.



Materials: World Wide Web scavenger hunt, Internet Access to the World Wide Web, printer, scoring rubric, blank paper, Power Point, traditional music dictionary, quiz game of Catholic church history.

Warm-Up        "The Music Room" Web Search.


            Days One and Two— Send the students on a web search to"The Music Room" to examine and study music history selections. The students generate two questions for a matching game and place them in a pool. Students e-mail Capistrano school for interchange of ideas.

            Days Three and Four—The students play the game and tally the results. Students select topic/s in the musical heritage of the Roman Catholic church from a World Wide Web scavenger hunt handout and go on a web search for definitions and sound clips. The students enter these into a PowerPoint file. Where they are unable to find data on the web, students are then to use traditional methods of gathering data and sound clips.

            Days Five and Six—The students create slide/s for a PowerPoint presentation. With the assistance of a computer teacher and a through class discussion, students assemble a PowerPoint presentation, burn it to a CD and preview it.


Correctives: (Remedial activities for students who have not met the standard at proficient or advanced level):

Pair up students with web search abilities with those students who are having difficulty. Ask those students who have finished early to act as buddies to those who are struggling. Also ask those students who have been successful at finding good sites to write their sites on the board.

Extensions: (Enrichment activities for students who have met the standard at a proficient or advanced level):

Those students who have their completed work early may experiment with generating a title page for the PowerPoint presentation. They may also enrich the presentation through additional examples or by searching for related artwork.

The students create a Roman Catholic music heritage web page with their teachers assistance.

APPENDIX—Some Web Sites for This Lesson


            Some suggested web sites for Roman Catholic music topics: