Community of Learners #7: 

PA Governor's School for the Arts

     Learning Community #7 was in charge of visiting the Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Arts. Here, members of the community  observed the use of traditional and contemporary technologies used by the students to create, perform and exhibit the arts.   Examples of their reflective journals compose this site and include video clips and digital photos  to document our visit. Welcome to our site investigating the first Governor's School for the Arts of the twenty-first century.


Integration of Old and New Technology

Integrating Pennsylvania Art Standard 9.1.J

The traditional technology for notating dance, called Labannotation, is transformed from its pencil and paper format to a computer application entitled Laban Writer.  The tools of Laban Writer provided Learning Community #7 with the direction symbols and level indicators with which they could create short measures of movement. Community #7 members connected their movement phrases using the choreographic process to create a short dance.    

Access to Reflective Journals

Catherine Gasper and Meagan McGonigle
Cathy Jenkins, Lee Reilly, and Moira Valentine-Messick
Tracy Wagner and Sue Goodin
Jackie Power and Jennifer Wolbert