Rebecca Deal , Wendy Kelly, Robyn Lugg, Phyllis
Melnychuk, Yvonne Thayer, E. Jean Vernon,
Bernardine Vojtko, Donna Weaver, Judith Wood,
Andrew Yalch, S. Maryanne Zakreski
Community of Learners has taken an in-depth look
at notable Pennsylvania artists from 1800-1850
and 1950-2000 (dancers, musicians, composers,
visual artists, playwrights and actors) and at
their instruments and methodology in creating,
performing and practicing their art. The
community members have designed standards based
lessons which also introduce research resources
for implementing proposed PA Arts Standards
Category 9.2, Historical and Cultural Contexts.
instructional plans are designed to have students
develop target skills in identifying,
comparing, contrasting, evaluating and/or
analyzing similarities or differences in
artist's methodology and modes from these two
eras in Pennsylvania history. The plans
demonstrate specific examples of how this
information can be used in the classroom.
Plans: The
community's instructional plans include
the following lessons designed to target
the skills cited above:
Story Behind the Face: Students
will analyze paintings and
sculpture for historical detail
as a window into the society and
culture or the era.
Then and Now Students study
silhouette artists and their work
in the early 19th century,
comparing and contrasting with
modern paper cutting artists and
their methods.
Photography Then and Now:
Students explore
photography as an emerging
technology, comparing and
contrasting early 19th century
work with that of the late 20th
century. Students will create a
new form by combining photos from
both periods.
With Me Then and Now: Students compare and
contrast social dance styles from
the two historical periods,
identifying the reasons behind
the similarities and differences.
They will learn dance pieces from
the 1820's and the 1990's
No! The People I Know! PA
Portraits Then and Now: Students compare,
contrast and analyze the work of
PA portrait artists, one from the
early 19th century and one from
the late 20th century.
Portraits Then and Now: Students
compare and contrast the portrait
work of Rembrandt Peale (1800-1850)
and Andrew Wyeth (1950-2000).
Students will compare and
contrast portrait works painted
in the early 19th century and
late 20th century with emphasis
on the cultural, social,
political and economic influences
on artists work in those
respective periods.
and Then: Students
study the cultural effects on
African-American artists and
their works, in the 1800's and
Alternative Systems of Music
Notation, Old and New: Students compare an
early PA shape note system of
music notation with a modern,
alternative form.
Susanna-Then and Now: Students will compare
and contrast the popular musical
styles in Stephen Fosters
time and in the present.
The Arts in Eastern
PA, 1800-1850 and 1950-2000:Students will
describe, analyze, compare and
contrast the historical and
cultural differences in art,
music and theatre forms in these
two periods.