PITDeal99Standards-Based Planned Instruction Template


Project Title:  PA Governor’s Institute for Arts Educators 2001


Teacher Name:  Rebecca L. Deal


Teacher E-Mail Address: dealr@rasd.net


Your School District or Diocese:  Rochester Area Schools


Your School Building:  High School


I Will Pilot This Plan with Students in Grade:  Seven


Planned Instruction Title:  Silhouettes: Then and Now


Grade Level (Check one):








  High School







  9.1  Production, Performance and Exhibition


  9.2  Historical and Cultural Contexts


  9.3  Critical Response


  9.4  Aesthetic Response


Standard Statement:  (Write out from grades 3, 5, 8 or 12 in standards document) (Example: 9.2.8.A. – Explain the historical, cultural and social context of an individual work in the arts.) 9.2.8.A.  Explain the historical, cultural and social context of an individual work in the arts. 9.2.8.D.  Analyze a work of art from its historical and cultural perspective.  9.2.8.E. Analyze how historical events and culture impact forms, techniques and purposes of works in the arts.  9.2.8.K.  Identify, explain and analyze traditions as they relate to works in the arts.


Overview: (A brief description of your instructional plan) The learner will be exposed to Silhouette Art in early 19th Century Philadelphia (Edouart)  as it compares to Silhouettes of today.


Keywords: (Key words are search terms that enable other teachers to locate your plan on the Web.) paper craft, Etienne de Silhouette, silhouettes, August Eduorart, Pam Benton-Hindes.


Learning Objective(s):  (What will students know and be able to do to demonstrate that they have reached the standard? List student competencies in clear, measurable terms.)

1.  The learner will identify, describe and analyze the methods and styles of silhouettes from 1800-1850 and silhouettes from 1950-2000 through the production of a silhouette of his/her own.



Assessment-Task and Criteria:  What is the student performance that demonstrates they have met each objective?  Include actual assessment and scoring tool(s).  How will you judge “below basic,” “basic,” “proficient” and “advanced”?   Do you have a model/exemplar of your expectations?)

Below Basic:  Participant is unable to identify, describe, and analyze the methods and styles and his/her project does not exhibit the paper cutting style of Silhouette Art .


Basic:  Participant identifies, describes, and analyzes the methods and styles but the lists are limited and the paper cutting is lacking  on portions of his/her silhouette.


Proficient:  Participant identifies, describes, and analyzes the methods and styles.  The lists and silhouette are skillfully done.


Advanced:  Participant identifies, describes and analyzes the methods and styles in the correct terminology.  Lists are insightful and comparisons are relevant.  Silhouettes are skillfully done and intricately meet the style of Silhouette Art.  The workmanship exceeds expectations.


Materials:  (Resources, URL’s, videoconference information, books, works of art, audio recordings, CD’s, videotapes)

Hand-outs from the internet on Etienne de Silhouette, August  Edouart, and Pam Benton-Hindes showcasing their artwork and brief biographies.  Examples of silhouettes.  Paper, glue, exacto knives.


Warm-Up: Question and answer session on student knowledge of silhouettes.  Did they have profile portraits done with a light and tracing in grade school?  If so, were they pleased with the results?  Students can ask me questions as well.


Instruction: (What will you teach to prepare students to demonstrate proficiency in mastery of the standard(s) identified?) The students will participate in a brief discussion of their collective knowledge on the art of silhouettes.  The students will receive a hand-out on key artists from the early 19th Century and the late 20th Century in the art of paper-cut silhouettes.  The students will be asked to prepare a list comparing and contrasting the art of each time period.  The students will then be asked to prepare a list of observable elements and styles from each time period,  also listing similarities and differences.  The student will observe a demonstration of safely using an exacto knife to cut designs into black paper.  Students will design and create their own black on white silhouette.  A student display will be put up on board for discussion.  


Correctives:  (Activities for students who have not met the objectives at proficient or advanced level)

The learner will be asked to explain difficulties in understanding  project.  The learner will receive written learning objectives in modified form according to the area of difficulty.


Extensions:  (Enrichment activities for students who have met the objectives at a proficient or advanced level)

The learner will be encouraged to try challenging themselves with a more difficult design  or trying silhouette in a different medium ie. clay.