Standards-Based Planned Instruction Template |
Project Title: PA Governor’s Institute for Arts Educators
Teacher Name: Margaret Willard
Teacher E-Mail Address:
Your School District or
Diocese: Diocese of
Your School Building: Mother
of Sorrows
I Will Pilot This Plan with
Students in Grade: 5
Planned Instruction
Title: "What's
in Your Suitcase?"
Grade Level (Check one):
9.1 Production, Performance and
9.2 Historical and Cultural Contexts
9.3 Critical Response
9.4 Aesthetic Response
Standard Statement: (Write out
from grades 3, 5, 8 or 12 in standards document) (Example: 9.2.8.A. – Explain the historical, cultural and social
context of an individual work in the arts.)
1.2.5 A. Read and understand essential content of informational
texts and documents in all academic areas.· Differentiate
fact from opinion across texts.· Distinguish
between essential and nonessential information across a variety of texts,
identifying stereotypes and exaggeration where present.· Make inferences about similar concepts in multiple texts
and draw conclusions.· Evaluate
text organization and content to determine the author’s purpose and
1.2.5 B. Use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the
quality of material produced.· Use
a variety of media (e.g., computerized card catalogues, encyclopedias) for
research.· Evaluate the role of
media as a source of both entertainment and information.· Use established criteria to design
and develop a media project (e.g., script, play, audiotape) for a targeted
8.2.6 A. Explain th
importance of individuals and groups who have made a difference in Pennsylvania
from the beginnings of recorded history in the land tha became Pennsylvania to
8.2.6 B Identify and explain
the importance of historical evidence in Pennsylvania.
8,2.6 C Explain continuity
and change in the history of Pensylvania
8.2.6 D Explain conflict and
cooperation impacting Pennsylvania History
9.1.5 J Apply traditional
and contemporary technologies for producing, performing and exhibiting works in
the arts or the works of others
9.2 A Explain the historical, cultural and social context of an
individual work in the arts
9.2 E Analyze how historical
events and culture impact forms, techniques and purposes of works in the arts
9.2 H Identify, describe and
analyze the work of Pennsylvania Artists in dance, music, theatre and visual
9.2 I Identify, explain and
analyze philosophical beliefs as they relate to works in the arts
9.2 K Identify, explain and
analyze traditions as they relate to works in the arts
Overview: (A brief
description of your instructional plan) Students
will work in cooperative groups to compare and contrast how immigration
patterns of two different eras affected the history and culture of
Keywords: (Key words are search terms that enable other teachers to
locate your plan on the Web.) immigration,
traditional arts in Pennsylvania,
Learning Objective(s): (What
will students know and be able to do to demonstrate that they have reached the
standard? List student competencies in clear, measurable terms.)
Students will demonstrate knowledge of the history , philosophy, and culture of
various groups of Pennsylvania
immigrants by producing artifacts related to that group.
Students will
use the knowledge gained to compare and contrast two time periods in
Pennsylvania history.
Students will
use a variety of artistic media to create an artifact which demonstrates a traditional art form.
Students will
use a computer to do research.
Students will
plan, organize, and present an oral report.
Students will
interact across generations to interview someone who was an
Students will
draft, revise, and publish a letter in proper form.
Students will
work cooperatively in a group.
and Criteria: What is the student
performance that demonstrates they have met each objective? Include actual assessment and scoring
tool(s). How will you judge “below
basic,” “basic,” “proficient” and “advanced”?
Do you have a model/exemplar of your expectations?)
Individual Assessment Task:
Students will use technology-based resources to complete a mind-map
which will direct their research. Scoring tool will be the identification of
one item in each category.
Individual Assessment-Task 1 : Students will write a persuasive letter ( quill pen or e-mail) following the
teacher-created writing prompt. Scoring
tool will be PSSA Writing Tool .
Individual Assessment _Task 2: Students will give a 3-5 minute oral
presentation summarizing the group /family's research. Scoring tool will be a teacher-created
Individual Assessment -Task 3: Students
will create a suitcase/trunk display
with their group including artifacts related to the group's research. Scoring tool will be a checklist and
teacher-created rubric.
Class Assessment -Task 4: Teacher will
create a videotape of all family presentations. Digital photos to be loaded onto school website. PowerPoint presentation for display during
school Open House and on school website
Class Assessment- Task 5: Total class group will create a Venn
diagram "Comparison of Immigration
in Pennsylvania 1800-1850 and
Project: Interview someone born after
1950 who immigrated to Pennsylvania.
Use these and other questions:
Why did they come to PA.?
Why do they stay in PA.?
What are the opportunities they have
found in PA.?
What are the challenges they faced
adjusting to life in PA.?
Change the
question format (interrogative sentences) into statements(declarative
sentences) to write a short paragraph about the interview. The paragraph needs to be 5-10 sentences
long. It will be due on the day after the family's presentation.
Presentation is 5-8 minutes in length |
Presentation is 3-5 minutes in length |
Presentation is 2-3 minutes in length |
Presentation is less than 2 minutes in length |
All members of the group have multiple opportunities to speak |
All four members of the group have a speaking part |
Only two members of the group have a speaking part |
One group member does most or all of the speaking |
Speaker uses extra expression while speaking to more effectively deliver content Speaker speaks clearly, loudly, and makes eye contact with the audience |
Speaker speaks clearly, loudly, and makes eye contact with the audience |
Speaker speaks loudly or makes eye contact with the audience but not both. Some words may be unclear |
Speaker speaks too softly to be heard and does not make eye contact with the audience |
Student created three or more objects for inclusion in the group project |
Student created two artifacts for inclusion in the group project. |
Student created one object for inclusion in the group project. |
Student created no objects for inclusion in the group project. |
Student showed exceptional creativity and skill in use of art media to create artifacts. Work is neat and very authentic-looking |
Student shows evidence of some creativity and skill in use of art media to create artifacts. Work is neat and authentic-looking |
Student shows evidence of some creativity and skill in use of art media to create artifacts |
Student shows little skill in use of art media. Work is sloppy and not developed |
Explains the connection between the work of art and its historical and cultural context with three or more supporting facts |
Explains the connection between the work of art and its historical and cultural context with two supporting facts |
Explains the connection between the work of art and its historical and cultural context with only one supporting fact |
Does not explain the connection between the work of art and its historical and cultural context |
Materials: (Resources, URL’s, videoconference information, books, works of art, audio recordings, CD’s, videotapes)
computer 'bookmarks", CD-ROMS,
Books and artifacts about traditional arts in Pennsylvania 1800-1850 and
1950-2000, Variety of art media, Videocamera, Digital Camera
Warm-Up: , ,As students enter classroom they will be given their "family"
assignment for the project. "Family assignments" will be based on
immigrant groups in either 1800-1850 or 1950-2000. (Germans, Polish, Irish, African, Indian, or Vietnamese) Each of the four group members will further
choose an identity as Father, Mother, Female Child, or Male Child.
Instruction: (What will you teach to prepare students to demonstrate proficiency in
mastery of the standard(s) identified?)
Lesson 1 Teacher will assess students prior knowledge
of immigration through class discussion and leading questions. After presentation of instruction, class will complete a Venn diagram :
"Comparison of Immigration in Pennsylvania 1800-1850 with
1950-2000" Rough draft with sticky
notes. Final copy as oversized poster.
Lesson 3 Use internet resources bookmarked by the
teacher as well as other print and non-print materials in the classroom to
complete a mindmap to direct their research. Individuals identify 3 artifacts
they would like to complete to add to their "family's" trunk. Students create (with teacher assistance) a
plan to complete their artifacts. Teacher reviews student plan and helps
individuals revise as necessary.
Lesson 4 and
5 Continue and complete research on
mind map .Research answer to questions:
"What was your family's reason
for leaving your native country?"
"What was your reason for
settling in Pennsylvania?"
Lesson 6 Group will record answers to questions from
previous research. Groups will compile
and submit a list of materials needed to complete their display project.
Lesson 7-8-9
Individuals work within their groups to collect and construct artifacts for
their family trunk.
Lesson 10 Continue and complete display. Work on assignments for group presentation.
Lesson 11 Writing prompt: Write a persuasive letter to a cousin left behind in their native
country convincing them to come and join you in Pennsylvania. (rough draft)
Lesson 12 Revision and editing of rough draft and
start of published copy of letter
Lesson 13 Use either quill pen and ink or e-mail
format for completion of published copy of letter
14-15 Group presentations of
"What's in Our Suitcase?"
Students will assist teacher with videotaping and digital photography.
Lesson 16 Completion of group presentations
Lesson 17 Viewing of videotape.
Lesson 18 Turn in interview assignment and Evaluate
Correctives: (Activities for
students who have not met the objectives at proficient or advanced level)
Students who
are having difficulty will receive extra help from within their cooperative
group" family " and from the teacher and support faculty (librarian,
technology teacher) as needed.
Extensions: (Enrichment activities for students who have
met the objectives at a proficient or advanced level)
Students who have reached proficient or advanced
levels will help other members of their group to meet basic level proficiency.
They will have the choice research further
and create additional artifacts for inclusion in the group project OR to research another "family"
group in which they are interested.