The Arts




Music of Stephen Foster


Life accomplishments/ History of Pittsburgh

Internet resources

Center for American Music (Univ. of Pitts.)


Song “Singing In the Rain”


Discuss life and accomplishments of Gene Kelly/ History of Pittsburgh

Internet resources

Gene Kelly


 Design and make quilts


Discuss Pennsylvania history

Quilt Story by Tony Johnston

 Jeffersonian architectural styles


 American Revolution

Declaration of Independence

Videos “1776”

          “The Patriot”

(fact vs. fiction)

Sing a sea chantey


Discuss Erie,PA maritime history



Draw city 2-point perspective


Events, people and places of Pennsylvania 1800-1850 and 1950-2000


Reading A Building

Make mask


Mummers Museum, Philadelphia

 Create historic village


Visit Meadowcroft Village, Old Econonmy


  Make totem poles, masks in style of Native Americans

Discuss history of Iroquois and other Native American tribes of PA

“The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush” by Tomie dePaola


Teaching guitar

Compare and contrast PA manufactured Martin guitar with electrical guitar of today

Research different guitar artists and their impact on music history.  Give an oral report.


Theatre/Music: Shakespeare- Act out scenes from play “Taming of the Shrew.

Learn music from “Kiss Me Kate”

Discuss history of Shakespeare and history of musicals

Read scripts from play and libretto from musical

Video:  “Kiss Me Kate”

“The Taming of the Shrew”


Tchaikovsky’s “Sleeping Beauty” ballet

Discuss history of fairy tales or history of composer

Fairy Tale genre:  Reading/Compare and contrasting versions of a fairy tale

Video versions of  “Sleeping Beauty”

Art:  Drawing pictures of Civil War

Civil War units; especially PA Bucktail Regiment

Also, Underground Railroad

Read “Hayfoot, Strawfoot: Bucktail Recruits” by Wm. P Roberton and David Rimer

Ken Burns’ PBS series: “The Civil War”

Art: Draw or paint pictures of lumber industry or build models of lumber factories

Discuss lumber industry in Clarion

Read:   “The Tales of the Clarion River”,  edited by George P Sheffer





Songs and dances from the coal mining era or ethnic groups who worked in mines

Discuss history of coal mines and coal mining in PA; especially in northeastern PA

Write and report on coal mining in local history

Eckley Miners’ Village Homepage:

Portraiture: Create a self portrait. Include objects from life’s culture.

Compare/ contrast self portraits from the 19th and 20th centuries

Using 19th cent. portrait as springboard for creative writing:

e.g. “through their eyes”