Historical Context
works in the Arts & Humanities through awareness of
their time period
Cultural Context
awareness of the works in the Arts & Humanities of a
people through perception of their customs, beliefs and
world view
Compares and contrasts and contrasts historical
differences and/or similarities across academic
Analyzes works in the arts and humanities and
synthesizes an inventive personal response to the
historical content
Terminology usage reflects interdisciplinary
Compares and contrasts cultural differences and/or
similarities across academic disciplines
Analyzes works in the arts and humanities and
synthesizes an inventive personal response to the
cultural content
Terminology usage reflects interdisciplinary
Compares and contrasts historical differences and/or
similarities in two or more works in the arts and
Analyzes works in the arts and humanities to
determine their historical significance
Applies discipline-specific and developmentally-appropriate
Compares and contrasts cultural differences and/or
similarities in two or more works in the arts and
Analyzes works in the arts and humanities to
determine their cultural significance
Applies discipline-specific and developmentally-appropriate
Describes historical differences and/or
similarities in two or more works in the arts and
Analyzes works in the arts and humanities to
determine some aspects of their historical
Uses discipline-related terminology
Describes cultural differences and/or
similarities in two or more works in the arts and
Analyzes works in the arts and humanities to
determine some aspects of their cultural context
Uses discipline-related terminology
Below Basic
Identifies some historical differences and/or
similarities in works in the arts and humanities
Determines which aspects of works in the arts and
humanities reflect history
Uses general or inappropriate terminology
Identifies some cultural differences and/or
similarities in works in the arts and humanities
Determines which aspects of works in the arts and
humanities reflect culture
Uses general or inappropriate terminology