The 2001 Institute July 22-27, 2001 Erie, PA


Lead:Dan Budday ........Mentor:Melissa Hair




Overview: This Community of Learners was given the task to compare and contrast performance, production and exhibition spaces of the 1800-1850 era to those of 1950-2000 These spaces were used as a vehicle for exploring the changing meaning of the arts through the past 2000 years. Members were to discuss the creative process (then and now), artistic intent and the significance of the arts in society. This community examined such questions as "How does the space in which a work is displayed or performed influence its aesthetic and artistic statement?" These issues were discussed in relation to the performance, production and exhibition spaces of the two eras. The group designed and participated in a videoconference with educational specialists at the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh.


Sample plans:

Then and Now: Strategies in Visual Communications By Julie Myers

Folk Art / Tavern Signs 1800-1850 By Steven Hindman