Name: NancyJo Ralph |
School District: Penncrest School District , Cambridge Springs High School |
Lesson Title: |
Grade Level: Eighth Grade General Music |
Piloted with students in grade: 8 |
Specific Standard: Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to respond aesthetically to the arts and humanities. |
Lesson Topic/theme: Tibetan music |
overview: (type in 6 lines or less) This lesson will use a comparison of popular music genre from Tibet and the American culture to develop an understanding and awareness of an aesthetic response. Activities will include listening examples of both musics, discussions, analyses, and reflections based on the musical elements, historical and social contexts. |
Keywords: music, Tibet, Dadon, Gyi Ma Gyi, aesthetic response,standards, education |
Learning Objectives: Define and describe the elements and principles of works in the arts. Explain the use of these elements in creating an aesthetic response. Explain the ideas that generate works in the arts. |
Materials: (type in 8 lines or less) Computer with internet access, appropriate software, technical support as needed, CD's, CD player, handouts and other necessary resource materials. |
Warm-Up: (type in four lines or less) Open discussion of what makes a piece of music "popular music" and what musical elements might be found in this genre. Listening examples will be used. |
Procedure: (type in 43 lines or less 1. Students search the internet and find the real-audio performance of Tibetan popular music.http://www.moonsite.com/dadon/sounds/gyi-dadon.ram http://www.tibet org/yungchen http://www.moonsite.com/dadon/sounds/gyi-dadon.ram Participants listen to the music and respond by describing the music in terms of the elements listed below. MELODY RHYTHM HARMONY INSTRUMENTATION DYNAMICS FORM TEXTURE (7.3) 2. Share information found with the rest of the class through open discussion. (7.3) 3. Listen to an example of contemporary popular American music and respond using the same terms listed above. (7 .3) 4. |
Correctives: (enrichment activities for students who have not met the standard at proficient or advanced level): (type in 11 lines or less) |
Extensions: (Additional activities for students who have met the standard at a proficient or advanced level): (type in 20 lines or less). |
Assessment-Task Criteria: How will you judge novice, partially proficient, proficient and advanced? Do you have a model/exemplar of your expectations?: (type in twenty lines or less) Novice Partially Proficient Proficient Advanced