Name:Deborah Herrle Day |
School District: Moon Area |
Lesson Title: Tibetan Sand Painting / the Mandala |
Grade Level: intermediate |
Piloted with students in grade: 5 |
Specific Standard: (write out from grade 4 or 7 or 10 or advanced column in standards document): Aesthetic Response to the Arts and Humanities: a. Participate in discussion and react to a philosophical statement . b. Identify the philosophical content and use of expressive symbols in works in the arts. c. Participate with an individual voice in group discussions about works in the arts. d. Recognize the elements and principles of works in the arts and their use to create aesthetic responses. e. Recognize ideas that generate works in the arts. |
Lesson Topic/theme: Tibetan Sandpainting/Mandala |
overview: (type in 6 lines or less) The students will view some Tibetan art and watch a film about the making of a Mandala sandpainting by Tibetan monks. They will listen to Tibetan music. They will compare the design of the mandala with familiar objects and art work, such as sliced oranges, dogwood blossoms, round (rosette) stained glass windows, kaleidescopes, Spanish decorative ceramic tiles |
Keywords: Tibetan art, Buddhist monks, mandala, sand painting |
Learning Objective(s): (What will all students do to demonstrate they have reached the standard?): (type in 17 lines or less .) The students will: a. Plan a radial design by folding a 6" square of white paper into quadrants. They will design one quadrant in pencil and using the carbon transfer method, complete the other three. b. Using a xerox copy of their original, the students will develop a pleasing color plan for their mandala. c. |
Materials: (type in 8 lines or less) |
Warm-Up: (type in four lines or less) |
Procedure: (type in 43 lines or less |
Correctives: (enrichment activities for students who have not met the standard at proficient or advanced level): (type in 11 lines or less) |
Extensions: (Additional activities for students who have met the standard at a proficient or advanced level): (type in 20 lines or less). |
Assessment-Task Criteria: How will you judge novice, partially proficient, proficient and advanced? Do you have a model/exemplar of your expectations?: (type in twenty lines or less) Novice Partially Proficient Proficient Advanced