Governor's: Institute for Arts Educators: Summer 1998

Name: Stephen Hatzai

School District: Allentown

Lesson Title:

Grade Level:

Piloted with students in grade:



7.1 Producing, Performing and Exhibiting


7.2 Historical and Cultural Contexts


7.3 Critical Response


7.4 Communicate Aesthetic Response


7.5 Connection with Other Subject Areas

Specific Standard: (write out from grade 4 or 7 or 10 or advanced column in standards document): (10) Interpret Ideas that Generate works in the arts.

Lesson Topic/theme IsOedipus Rex the greatest play ever written?

overview: Through reading, group discussion, internet /library research, and veiwing of actual performances students will be asked to explain whay this play has endured for over 2,500 years and is still being produced today.

Keywords: Greek, theatre, Oedipus, Sophocles,fate, tradgedy

Learning Objective(s): (What will all students do to demonstrate they have reached the standard?): (type in 17 lines or less .)

Students will read Oedipus Rex by Sophocles in groups.

They will discuss the major ideas in the play and collectively come up with a statement of the theme which they will share with other groups

Using the internet, they will research performance elements in Greek theatre and any other pertinent information regarding Greek culture that may have impacted on the theatre form.

These elements will be contrasted with those which are in evidence in contemporary theatre.

Materials: (type in 8 lines or less)

Warm-Up: (type in four lines or less)

Procedure: (type in 43 lines or less

Correctives: (enrichment activities for students who have not met the standard at proficient or advanced level): (type in 11 lines or less)

Extensions: (Additional activities for students who have met the standard at a proficient or advanced level): (type in 20 lines or less).

Assessment-Task Criteria: How will you judge novice, partially proficient, proficient and advanced? Do you have a model/exemplar of your expectations?: (type in twenty lines or less)


Partially Proficient

