Governor's: Institute for Arts Educators: Summer 1998

Name: Mariann Palombo

School District: Quaker Valley Middle School

Lesson Title: Music of Tibet

Grade Level: Middle School

Piloted with students in grade: to be piloted 1998 - 99 with grade 6



7.1 Producing, Performing and Exhibiting


7.2 Historical and Cultural Contexts


7.3 Critical Response


7.4 Communicate Aesthetic Response


7.5 Connection with Other Subject Areas

Specific Standard: Describe and discuss various student reactions to Tibetan music in group discussions.

Lesson Topic/theme: Tibetan music

Overview: This is a musical journey of Tibet. A variety of activities will be presented: listening to various Tibetan chants and responding to the selections in writing; analyzing the music by describing the musical elements; performing a simple chant as an ensemble. The journey will include a mini internet research project to discover the history, society and culture of Tibet and how that influences Tibetan music. A compare/contrast of Tibetan music to other styles of non-Western music will also be a part of the journey. Each activity will be correlated to the state standards.

Keywords: music, Tibet, chant, aesthetics

Learning Objective(s): The students will: 1) listen to musical examples of Tibetan chant; 2) respond to the musical examples in writing; 3) identify/describe the musical elements in the listening examples; 4) perform a simple chant similar to a Tibetan chant; 5) view visual aids to help students learn about the culture of Tibet; 6) conduct a search on the internet to discover more about the society, culture and history of Tibet; 7) compare/contrast Tibetan music to other various non-Western musical examples.

Materials: various CD's/tapes on Tibetan music, CD/tape player, visual aids, paper and writing utensils, computer internet access, piano, Tibet information packet (student handout)

Warm-Up: Discuss students' perceptions of Tibet and chant-- what they think they know about these two subjects. I will keep a list of their responses, and we will refer to this list periodically during the musical journey.

Procedure: 1) After the warm-up, students will listen to a pre-selected Tibetan chant piece and respond personally on paper to the music. (7.3) 2) We will then discuss together the selection through the musical elements (melody, tone color, form, music notation, rhythm and harmony). (7.3) 3) Next we will again listen to a few chants, and I will play a simple chant melody for the students to perform. We may experiment some with this by perhaps improvising on the chant theme. (7.1) 4) I will share with the students some of my findings about Tibet -- its history, society & culture (student packet handout). (7.2 and 7.5) 5) Together we will explore some sites on the internet about Tibet. (7.2 and 7.5) 6) The students will conduct their own mini-research project on Tibet. They will follow instructions provided for them in the student packet handout. There will be questions for them to answer through internet research. (7.2, 7.4 and 7.5) 7) Students will share some information they feel important and explain why they decided to share it with the class. (7.2, 7.4 and 7.5) 8) Lastly we will compare/contrast Tibetan chant/music with other forms of non-Western music. Students will develop a checklist of criteria of similarities and differences. (7.4)

Correctives: (enrichment activities for students who have not met the standard at proficient or advanced level): 1) Provide other listening experiences of Tibetan and/or non-Western music. 2) Have students research other relevant internet sites. 3) Analyze other Tibetan/non-Western music excerpts through the musical elements. 4) Seek out other resource materials on Tibetan/non-Western culture.

Extensions: (Additional activities for students who have met the standard at a proficient or advanced level): 1) Continue research of Tibet/non-Western music and culture. 2) Seek connections between Tibetan/non-Western music with art, theatre and dance. 3) Create music similar in style to Tibetan/non-Western music.

Assessment-Task Criteria: How will you judge novice, partially proficient, proficient and advanced? Do you have a model/exemplar of your expectations?:

Although each standard could be assessed in connection with this lesson, emphasis is on the aesthetic standard, and that is the component which will be assessed.


Seeks another experience with Tibetan music. Expresses a desire to hear the music again.

Partially Proficient

Cites examples of other works that are similar in style. Names and describes a mood or atmosphere created by the music.


Seeks experiences with new works of a similar style or genre.


Creates new and original work which is influenced by the experience.