Classical Jazz '05



A Pair Of Eyes

A Pair Of Eyes 

I like to think of myself as a giant pair of eyes.

Large and clear, I see everything.

I love to capture details

And store them away for later.

For instance:

The shadows on oak tree leaves.


The beading on a girl’s purse.

But especially:

The ways people interact with each other.

I am an observer of the human race from within.

And I collect these moments

And string them together

So that they will always be with me.

And when I am pensive,

I grasp them and count them:

A rosary of my life.


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Artist: Christina Lohr
School: North Allegheny
A poem about observation.


Stacey End from: North Allegheny - posted: October 29, 2007
I'm a big fan of your poems in general, especially this once. I love the image of stringing together details that you see through out the day and the fact that you kept with that same image all the way to the last line. "Rosary of my life" is such an awesome comparison  and it really ended the poem with a kick. My over all impression of this piece is christina lohr! I think it really captures your personality and how you spot details most others would pass over.

matt gordon from: North Allegheny - posted: November 1, 2007
I Like this poem because it is different from most poems. Its Different in it's lack of ambiguities. I can relate to this poem because i too think of myself as a pair of eyes

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