Classical Jazz '05



Immortal Nightmare

Immortal Nightmare
 No matter how i try, my memory seems never to fail.
Living day in and day out, a nightmare.
So flawless in detail, it seemed almost reality, and it was.
With one final act of indifference, cruelty, and neglect.
The chains restraining all his pent up emotion,
S n a p p e d.
Like soda released from a shaken bottle,
he srayed his rage onto all of those within his realm.
Scrubbed the floors,
Purging them of their infectious disease.
Painted the walls,
Ridding them of their hostile indifference.
His final words,
Heard from the inside of my locked cell,
He spoke as if he was God himself.
"Today is the day,
The day I show the world what I can do.
Today I show the error in your ways,
And your sins be avenged.
Today I find my place among my predecessors,
As they pass down their crown,
And I keep it for all of eternity.
In this house of learning,
My lesson was taught.
With hot lead as the incentive to excel,
You all failed.
Remember my words, Remember my actions,
Remember ME.
Now I'll say my final good-bye,
So to you,
From whom I felt compassion and caring,
My confession,


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Artist: Tyler Hagy
School: North Allegheny
This poem is written from the view of a girl who survived a school shooting.  The charcter she is talking about felt that the school was against him and with "the straw that broke the cammel's back" he went on his rampage.  However before he did so he took the girl recounting the events and locked her in a janitors closet.  He did this because he had feelings for her and thought that she was the only one that had any care for him.  He tells her so in his final words of "I.Love.You"  Now everyday that this girl lives on she remembers this boy and finds it hard to ever forget.


Quinn Conley from: North Allegheny - posted: October 31, 2007
This is one of my favorite poems on the site.  Tyler captured the characters emotions perfectly.  I like how the the poem tells a story,  and how the stucture of the peom is unique - it ends with a quote from the character.  My two favorite lines are

"Like soda released from a shaken bottle,
he srayed his rage onto all of those within his realm."
It is worded well and i like how Tyler compares the opening of a soda bottle to the release of anger.  This poem is exceptional.

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