Classical Jazz '05



What you do with it is entirely up to you.


Entry Dated: 2009-09-03 05:48:12
My best idea for the photomontage project is to make an upside-down world. For example, I was thinking of taking a picture of a lake that has a good, clear reflection of the sky and land in it, then turning it 180 degrees. Then the lake will become the sky, but the people and extra objects i put on the "land" will be facing the right side up. And where the sky is will become a hole, out into the great, blue sky. So it's like there are little bowls of land floating around with a limited sky and holes out into the world beyond. I got this inspiration from the montage I wrote about in my other journal entry and I was trying to think of a way to make the world we live in today an abstract fantasy. I've always the thought about how cool it would be if everything we saw in everyday life was upside-down, so this is my way to show my childhood imagination.

Period: Period 04
Activity: PhotoMontIdea



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