Classical Jazz '05



What you do with it is entirely up to you.

¡Yo Soy Brett !


This is who I am. I have 1 submission.

This is my Portfolio.

Abusive Cycles

This poem took me a couple of hours to think about and then I just started to type. I guess it kind of flowed to me, I didn’t really want to write about sex or murder or death, just common situations that happen through abusive relationships and marriages.

On Abusive Cycles I wrote it not because of my parents doing this , but of movies and such dealing with these kinds of situations. They happen very often in our lifetime, there are many parents who do this and then there sons growing up and doing the same thing. It is a cycle, because they see there father doing it and then they think they have to beat there wife and children to. I tried to use colorful language and descriptions in my poem.
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