Classical Jazz '05



What you do with it is entirely up to you.

¡Yo Soy Christopher !


This is who I am. I have 4 submissions.

This is my Portfolio.

Dedication. to the absences of thought

So Tim Hubert gave me this raga in E minor and I made a harmony for it.  Then I chose to play 'round with the instruments & keys to see the difference of timbres. Thats 'bout it.

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An Expose on the Critique of Pure Music
Notes: Yea so I had to create a song with lyrics... this creepy piece is what came out of it.  I was going more towards psychedelic but hey.  
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Dawn of Remembrance & Dream
Notes: So with this piece I was pretty much just trying for something that blended a bunch of the Indian instruments & sounds together well.  My apologies if you don't believe it did.
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Hunted In The Dark

"it's an amusement park ride"

"It was a dark & stormy night" 

"the clock struck twelve, 'twas eerily silent"

-Derek Faux 

"um...Jimmy Dean"

-Greg Mezey 

  Format: audio

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