Classical Jazz '05



Untitled on 2/22/10 at 08:59:09 AM

Untitled on 2/22/10 at 08:59:09 AM


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Artist: Nick Grega
School: North Allegheny
this is my photomontage. i made a picture based off of lyrics of an august burns red song.


Chris Richards from: North Allegheny - posted: August 27, 2012
I really like this piece because it conveys a deep and more meaningful image than what is pictured in it. It shows that there is another side to the artwork that you have to figure out as the observer. To me, the image says that there is a good spirited person here that has done some sort of wrong in there life, but they still have a good heart despite all the bad they have done. i feel that the vibrance of the habds and the heart really bring forward the good that is blocked behind the evil. This is a very well displayed piece of artwork.

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