Classical Jazz '05



2021 SOP Everything Is A Remix

Do you know any remixed songs?   Doyou agree with remixing?


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Bob Tozier Artist: Bob Tozier
School: North Allegheny

Is Everything A Remix ?

How about in the classical  world?

Do you know any?  



Sabrina Ferron from: North Allegheny - posted: September 9, 2021
I agree with remixing as long as it transforms the song. There are definitely lazy ways to remix a song that do not change it enough to be considered something new, but most remixes take a lot of creativity and talent, which should not be discredited just because some aspect is taken from another song.

Joshua Morton from: North Allegheny - posted: September 10, 2021
after watching the SOP video yesturday I realized there were a lot of songs I knew that we're remixed. One of them that we spent time talking about was the Stairway to heaven, and I'm not quite sure I fullly agree with that after hearing the original. The two songs are very, almost to similar, hence why I think there pushing the limits a little bit. However, I do agree with the idea of remixing. It helps others serve this purpose and allows others to create brilliant music.

Quinn Volpe from: North Allegheny - posted: September 14, 2021
I know a lot of remixed songs based on the video we watched. I don't agree with it in the case of directly stealing lyrics and/or melodies without giving credits, though I do think it's sometimes okay to take from another song if you make it your own in a way that makes it nearly indistinguishable from the original.

Tejal Dahake from: North Allegheny - posted: September 14, 2021
I think it's interesting how so many songs were lifted from classical melodies. However, I'm still not sure where I stand on the copyright controversy about songs since creativity is partially based on what someone has heard before. Therefore, everything we create is partially taken from someone else.

Alli Kern from: North Allegheny - posted: September 14, 2021
I think remixing is acceptable, as long as artists don't go too overboard with what they may "replicate." Exact copies of songs are definitely stretching it--as long as plagarism isn't evident, the remix is probably passable.

Ben Swihart from: North Allegheny - posted: September 20, 2021
I love Daft Punk's Music which uses a lot of sampling and transforms it really creatively

Dylan Shields from: North Allegheny - posted: October 21, 2021
I think its interesting that pretty much everything we hear is not an original idea but is a remix of something that has already been made. 

Cassandra Pultorak from: North Allegheny - posted: October 22, 2021
I think of a remix as an original idea. Unless it is copied exactly, I think a lot of music can be made with borrowing ideas, that create brand new pieces. 

Bri Cobbey from: North Allegheny - posted: October 26, 2021
I know a lot of remixedd songs.  I think its ok to remix as long as you make it your own somehow and just don't copy and paste it.

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