Classical Jazz '05



What you do with it is entirely up to you.

Inner Struggles

Entry Dated: 2012-01-30 08:17:33

Recently, I've struggled a lot with my personal demons. I've fought with myself, in the mental gladitorial arena, as society looks on with glee. The Ancient World, rife with struggle, pain, and suffering, understood the value of physical confrontation--it is often a useful tool for helping relieve aggression (the movie Fight Club  helps explain this). However, gladiator combats ended with one man an emerging victor, dressed in the blood of his enemies. My enemies are my personal fears and flaws. They taunt at me from the shadows, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.


I was considering composing an image of myself in the gladiator's position, but my enemy is myself. Perhaps the people ringing the arena's seats  are also me. They could also be society, egging me on for the final kill. 

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Period: Period 02
Activity: PhotoMontIdea



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