Classical Jazz '05



What you do with it is entirely up to you.

¡Yo Soy sarah !


This is who I am. I have 4 submissions.

This is my Portfolio.

Untitled on 1/3/11 at 10:00:34 AM Untitled on 1/3/11 at 10:00:34 AM
Notes: Categorize friends in how they are and how you just see them in life
  Format: image
Chowder Chowder
Notes: My photomontage is the show Chowder with me inside the picture I did this because it's my favorite tv show. I got the idea from just thinking of cartoons i like and watch and chowder was number 1 it makes me laugh when i see the shower and just the pictures of the cartoon shows how people are not normal but odd and exciting.
  Format: image
Untitled on 10/14/10 at 08:34:55 AM
Notes: Instruments I love to hear and would love to play though I play guitar at times i don't play these.
  Format: audio
Untitled on 11/15/10 at 08:49:09 AM
Notes: This piece is about a person who walks alone and is by themselves most the time but friends are close and distant because she has moved away
  Format: quicktime

Journal Entry

journal Pict My Idea dated: 2010-10-21 08:32:33

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