Goals: 1. Engage the
viewer longer with images that are not immediately recognizable
Create strong, interesting
compositions based on the elements and principles of design.
Elements—line, shape/form,
texture/pattern, value, and space
unity/harmony, rhythm/movement, repetition, scale/proportion,
balance, and emphasis/focal point
Be creative—look at the common in an
uncommon way
You pick the subjects—nature, architecture,
arranged objects, etc.
Move the camera around to find the
interesting compositions—horizontal or vertical; bird’s eye or bug’s
eye. Minor framing adjustments make all the difference.
Seek out interesting and unusual shapes,
patterns, textures, and changes in value.
Try finding contrasts between size, distance,
old/new, natural/manmade, rough/smooth, etc.
Try to push your subject beyond its
initial context (e.g. instead of photographing a bowl of fruit, try
photographing the fruit cut open, arranged in a pattern, submerged
under water, and/or placed in an unusual environment)
***Remember no closer
than 4 ft. with a point-and-shoot***
Use a longer focal length
to zoom in and crop out unnecessary parts of your composition
***Do not use flash if closer
than 6 feet***
Assignment given: Please refer to
Images due: Blackboard for
Contact prints due: all due dates
5 Prints due:
Shadows, Reflections &
Silhouettes; another approach to the abstract.
Abstract Slide
Student Work
the abstract movie
Additional Resources:
Write a Response
See Responses
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