The 1998 Institute


This material is the product of a brief research project conducted by arts educators over a three day period during July, 1998 at the Pennsylvania Governor's Institute For Arts Educators. It is by no means a comprehensive investigation of a substantial branch of philosophy. It is intended as a starting point for those who are interested in this topic.


This page links to a collection of model lessons which are standards based. Each lesson has an assessment component the thrust of which is aesthetics. These lessons are not intended to be something one can simply download and use in the classroom. Rather, they are intended to serve as models and to provoke ideas one might use in one's own lesson design efforts.

Journals This work group traveled to the Pennsylvania Governors School for the Arts to observe the student learning activities with a particular eye to aesthetic learning. Each member of the work group Documented their observations through video, still images and note taking. Each member then reflected upon these observations in a personal response journal.
Tibet This page contains links to the Tibetan Culture which was the focus of study for this institute.