Pennsylvania Governor's Institute For Arts Educators 1998:
Aesthetics and Assessment
Lesson Designs


Lesson Plans


Encounter With Tibet







This page links to a collection of model lessons which are standards based. Each lesson has an assessment component the thrust of which is aesthetics. These lessons are not intended to be something one can simply download and use in the classroom. Rather, they are intended to serve as models and to provoke ideas one might use in one's own lesson design efforts.

Standards based lesson design template.

Lesson Title

Grade Level

Art Form


David Berlin D.M.A.

Tibetan Music

Graduate School


Activities are prescribed in listening and responding, analysis, performing, creating and scholarly research into the sociocultural influences upon the music.

Arlene Scott

Music of Tibet


Response Journal

Middle School


In the Study of Tibetan Music there will be an emphasis on listening, viewing, performing, creating, evaluating, and the appreciation of the history and culture . Each activity will be correlated with the state arts and humanities standards. The concept of chant , as used in many situations will be a primary idea.

Linda Hulsey

Singing games: American Children's/ Native American Children's/ Tibetan Children's





Response Journal

4th and 5th grade


This is a study in extending the study of the singing game to include singing games(s) from the Tibetan culture as it relates to the singing games already experienced in American children's singing games and Native American Indian singing games. Activities are prescribed in producing, performing and exhibiting, historical and cultural ideas, critically respond to the singing games through comparing and contrasting and analyzing the singing games from all three cultures, aesthetically respond to the Tibetan music as it relates to American and Native American singing game and connect the music with the visiual art of that culture.

Louise Harvilla Tibetan Art : A Mandala Sand Painting





Response Journal

Grades 6, 7

Visual Art

The students will watch a media presentation of Tibetan art and culture to gain knowledge of the people,customs and beliefs. They will see examples of costumes, instruments for making art and music,and acquire a background in the culture by viewing slides,photographs and 3D examples of artifacts such as jewelery and masks. Students will look closely at Mandalas, discuss the designs and shapes and provide examples of other more familiar radial designs (ie: snowflakes, lace, fruit and flower rings) and explore these similarities. A discussion in small groups will provide an opportunity to compare and contrast Tibetan art forms,particularly the Mandala, to examples of Western art and culture.

Mariann Palombo

Music of Tibet





Response Journal

Middle School


This is a musical journey of Tibet. A variety of activities will be presented: listening to various Tibetan chants and responding to the selections in writing; analyzing the music by describing the musical elements; performing a simple chant as an ensemble. The journey will include a mini internet research project to discover the history, society and culture of Tibet and how that influences Tibetan music. A compare/contrast of Tibetan music to other styles of non-Western music will also be a part of the journey. Each activity will be correlated to the state standards.

NancyJo Ralph

Tibetan Music


Response Journal

Eighth Grade General Music


This lesson will use a comparison of popular music genre from Tibet and the American culture to develop an understanding and awareness of an aesthetic response. Activities will include listening examples of both musics, discussions, analyses, and reflections based on the musical elements, historical and social contexts.

karen siegel

Tibetan Music



7th and 8th grade General Music


This is a systematic study of Tibetan chant. Activities prescribed are listening and responding, analysis, performing, possible creation of a chant, and sociocultural influences upon the music. The lesson will consist but not be limited to a collection of activities and experiences centered around those presented by the instructor and will culminate in responses elicited from the students at the conclusion of the unit. Each activity in the process will be correlated to the state standards.

Stephen Hatzai

IsOedipus Rex the greatest play ever written?

Response Journal



Through reading, group discussion, internet /library research, and veiwing of actual performances students will be asked to explain whay this play has endured for over 2,500 years and is still being produced today.

Deborah Herrle Day

Tibetan Sand Painting / the Mandala


Response Journal


Visual Art

The students will view some Tibetan art and watch a film about the making of a Mandala sandpainting by Tibetan monks. They will listen to Tibetan music. They will compare the design of the mandala with familiar objects and art work, such as sliced oranges, dogwood blossoms, round (rosette) stained glass windows, kaleidescopes, Spanish decorative ceramic tiles