Monster Match
9.1 Standard: Production, Performance and Exhibition
J. Know and use traditional and contemporary technologies for producing, performing and exhibiting works in the arts or the works of others.
Know and use traditional technologies (e.g. charcoal, pigments, clay, needle/thread, quill pens, stencils, tools for wood carving, looms, stage equipment).
Know and use contemporary technologies (e.g. CDs/software, audio/sound equipment, polymers, clays, board-mixers, photographs, recorders).
K. Know and use traditional and contemporary technologies for furthering knowledge and understanding of the humanities.
Lesson Topic/Theme: Monster Match
Overview: The students will first be introduced to various works of art using the monster theme. An opportunity for discussion and comparison of these works of art will be included. For the students will have the opportunity to not only practice their descriptive writing skills and collage technique but also to use contemporary technologies throughout this lesson.
Keywords: monsters, collage, internet, language arts, elementary
Learning Objective(s):
*The students will have the opportunity to successfully use the following contemporary technologies throughout this lesson: Microsoft Word, Internet/ e-mail and scanner.
*The students will successfully write, using Microsoft Word, a descriptive paragraph based on teacher designed parameters of a monster.
*The students will successfully "log on" to the Internet and use the e-mail function to send their paragraph to a previously determined anonymous student in another fifth grade classroom.
*The students will visually interpret their partner's monster paragraph through the use of the collage technique.
*An exhibition of all 'monster-match' collages will be displayed. The students who wrote the descriptive paragraphs will attempt to identify their partner's "monster-collage."
Assessment-Task Criteria:
The student adequately completes the project.
Below Basic
The student's project was not completed.
Assistance will be determined based on the individual needs of each special needs student. (e.g. repetition of the tasks, rereading the list of descriptive paragraph requirements, etc.)
Traditional : Paper, pencil, glue, 9 x 12 black oak tag for background, various papers (cellophane, foil, neon, wallpaper samples), burlap, fabrics, beads/seeds, etc.
Technology Resources: Computer (s) with word processing and Internet capabilities.
Resources: Selected art prints and slides of monsters, gargoyles, etc. Suggested books with monster-type illustrations and stories.
Warm-Up: A selection of music will be playing in the background to enhance the desired atmosphere as the students enter the art room. Props, art prints and slides will be on display for observation, motivation and discussion.
Teacher preparation: Prior to the first scheduled 'Monster Match' class, the art teacher must determine the partners from two different third grade classrooms and assign individual anonymous e-mail addresses.
Reflective time
The students will write a reflective paragraph describing what they like about their paragraph and their collage and what they would do differently if they were asked to do this project again.
Based on the teacher's suggested list of specifications for the student's monster, revisions may be made to the paragraph.
Two-dimensional 'monster collages' may be scanned and placed on the district website for viewing by parents and community.
Three-dimensional 'monsters' may be photographed with a digital camera and placed on the district website.
Upper grade levels: This project could be designed to create a three-dimensional end product. The creation of the monster could be created on various computer programs such as: Mac Paint, Adobe PhotoShop.