Elementary Level (Grade 3)
Standard: 9.1 J/ Production, Performance and Exhibition using traditional and contemporary technologies.
Lesson Topic: Composing "Monster Music"
Overview: As part of a cross-disciplinary project with the art department, students will read about and view images of monsters and then write a 4 measure phrase.
(Students in the art department will be responsible for the development of monster masks and possible set design. The final project can include an original play written by students after viewing a work of art. The music students will ultimately expand their short musical phrase into a musical motif for the play.)
Keywords: Music Composition, notation, monsters
Learning Objective:
The students will create a 4 measure melody in 4/4 meter using the 3 pitches G, A and B.
*The note values to be used are: quarter rest, quarter note, half note and whole note.
*The melody should begin and end on the note G.
Technology to be utilized include use of a MIDI keyboard for students to play their compositions and record onto a floppy disk to be kept in their portfolios.
A software program such as Notation Station or Sibelius, Cakewalk or Finale can be used for this purpose.
In the absence of a MIDI keyboard and computer, students can write their phrases using standard staff paper and pencils and play on traditional instruments such as a piano, xylophone or other Orff instruments.
Review the pitches G, A and B on the staff.
Have students clap simple rhythms using quarter notes and quarter rests. Use instruments to produce half and whole note values. Go over the rules for using the MIDI keyboard.
ADVANCED: The student uses all note values. The composition begins and ends on the pitch G. All measures are rhythmically correct.
PROFICIENT: The student uses at least 2 different note values. At least two pitches are used. The melody begins or ends on G. Rhythms are correct.
BASIC: The student uses only 1 type of note. Less than 3 pitches are used and fewer than 2 measures use correct rhythms.
BELOW BASIC: The student placement of notes is incorrect. The rhythms do not meet the requirement for 4/4 meter.