Classical Jazz '05

Composition Info

Where can I find information about the music composition projects?

As with online theory lessons and chapter notes, music composition info can be found in the AP Music section of Music Education on Yo Soy. You need to be logged in to access this information.

What is the scope of most compositions?

Students will be allowed a significant amount of freedom. During each semester, 1-2 compositions will be form specific (i.e., 12 bar blues, rondo, sonata, theme and variations, etc.) or genre specific (jazz, folk, minimalistic, etc). Other compositions will be broken into small chunks to reinforce the music theory that we are currently studying. These are called "theory reinforcers."

How do I turn in my music compositions to Mr. Lindey?

You should always save your project to your folder on MACDATA. If using GarageBand, compress the file (which is a number of files and folders, actually) by control-clicking it and choose "Compress '[filename]'", which will turn it into a .zip file. The .zip file is what you will upload to Mr. Lindey. Here is the link for uploading song files. Reason .rns, Finale .mus, .mp3/.m4a, and .doc files can be uploaded "as is" without compressing.

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