The 2000 Institute

Critical Review of Technology Resources

Goal: This community of learners will explore the resources on a practical, cost-free Internet site called "Technology Resources for Arts Educators". Using one or more of the resources found, each participant will develop and post to the Community Web Page a standards-based model instructional plan for his/her content area and pupils. Each participant will also search the Internet, identify one or more appropriate resources to be added to the "Technology Resources" database and post it using the response form on the site.

Product: Community Web Page with standards-based instructional plans, in addition to the Technology Resources Web Site, and suggestions for the Technology Resources Web Site.

Reporting Student Progress

Goal: This community of learners will research the possible ways that teachers and school districts can report the results of assessments of proposed PA Academic Standards 9.1.j/k. Participants will review Marzano and Kendall's work and the PA Academic Standards-Based Assessment Training Manual on reporting out on standards-based assessment. Participants will review traditional report card vs. scoring guides/rubrics/process portfolios/authentic assessment. They will review the reporting from the National Assessment of Education Progress assessment. They will study the use of contemporary technology as a tool for reporting student progress to students and their parents. They will discuss the staff development and community public relations efforts necessary to effect changes in school reporting methods.

Product: Community Web Page with links to sample reporting formats, research, staff, community development recommendations, and uses of contemporary technologies for reporting to students and their parents. The web page will also include the participants’ personal reflections on this topic.

Proficiency for All Students Goal: Participants in this community of learners will explore and discuss how arts educators can work with all students to meet proposed PA Academic Standards 9.1.j/k. They will discuss the following questions: How can high school students gain proficiency in arts technology when 80% of them are not enrolled in arts courses? How can students meet this standard if their school does not have a computer or computer lab? Is the proficiency level for a talented arts student the same as for a student with an Individual Education plan? Will proficiency vary from district to district? They will identify and describe types of accommodations and adaptations for arts education. Interaction with the "Sound Beam", an affordable system that levels the technology playing field for all students, will be used by participants to create exercises and apply a simple rubric that defines proficiency for art, music, theatre, or dance. Participants will also search the Internet to discover programs and technologies that have built-in accommodations and adaptations and can be used by arts educators to help all students meet Standards 9.1.j/k.

Product: Community Web Page with sample of what "below basic", "basic", "proficient", and "advanced" might look, sound, or act like at various grade levels using work with the "Sound Beam" and a list of proposals and suggestions that colleagues across the state can use to help all of their students gain proficiency in the use of contemporary technologies.

Grade 3, 5, 8, 12 Progression Goal: This community of learners will provide descriptions of what K-12 indicators in the arts and technologies might look like. Participants will experience a process for developing indicators that can be used in their schools and classrooms. Under the guidance of the lead participants will describe what "know and use", "apply", "incorporate specific uses of", "analyze and evaluate use of" contemporary technology might look, sound or act like (as established in proposed PA Academic Standards 9.1.j/k).

Product: Community Web Page that provides specific descriptors for proposed PA Academic Standards 9.1.j/k and that recommends a process for developing K-12 indicators for the PA Arts and Humanities Standards.

Planned Instruction and Best Practice Goal: Each participant in this community of learners will prepare standards-based planned instruction featuring proposed PA Academic Standards 9.1.j/k. Production, performance, and exhibition using contemporary technologies will be the basis of the content of this instruction, with cutting edge technology as the text for learning. Members of this community will be given a sampling of technology, video, and Internet resources from which to choose in preparing their own planned instruction. The resulting planned instruction will be posted on a Community Web Page in a standard prepared format. In addition, this community will participate in a two-way interactive videoconference with participants in the 4ARTS program at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, as sponsored by ARIN Intermediate Unit #28. Participants will observe middle school students from Indiana County involved in an instructional plan toward proposed PA Academic Standards 9.1.j after which they will discuss the plan with the students and teachers.

Product: Community Web Page with standards-based instructional plans.

The Impact of New Media Technology on the Arts Goal: This dialogue group will research, analyze and discuss trends, visions, questions and work in contemporary technologies in the arts and their implications for teaching and learning in the arts. We will address the issues of aesthetics, work processes, exhibition and performance and the impact on the audience and culture. We will view and experience a wide range of web and disk-based works by professional and student artists across the arts disciplines. We will make recommendations on ways to address, utilize and integrate these findings about new media technologies in arts education. In addition, this community will participate in a two-way interactive videoconference with staff at the Philadelphia Museum of the Arts.

Product:: Community Web Page that points to new media works, offers an analysis and recommendations, and enables further discovery and dialogue about these issues.

Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Arts Goal: This community of learners will visit the PA Governor's School for the Arts where they will shoot video and take digital pictures of the work being done with the Governor's School students by Troika Ranch, a dance theatre company that uses media and interactive technology as elements of their work. Troika Ranch will also visit and interact with Institute participants. Community participants will reflect on the use of traditional and contemporary technologies for creating, performing and exhibiting the arts.

Product: Community Web Page that presents the reflection journals for each member of the community of learners. The journals will define the issues and raise questions about the use of new technologies. Participants will also present a process portfolio on the website that includes video clips and pictures of the Governor's School activities.


Classroom Assessment

Goal: This community of learners will discuss the following concerns: We all have strategies to determine what our students know, but how do we determine that they know? How do we evaluate the depth and richness of their comprehension through their work as visual and performing artists? Participants will develop model rubrics and identify resources to assist and guide arts educators across the Commonwealth in their struggle to assess student achievement in creating, performing and exhibiting works in the visual and performing arts.

Product: Community Web Page with model rubrics for assessing Proposed PA Academic Standards 9.1.j/k and links to aid in development of classroom assessments.

Call To Leadership Keynote Address, Dr. Sharon Gratto